We have a number of regular classes and activities running in our Church Hall throughout the week, see below for details:

Please contact the activity leader for more information on prices and class availability.



What's On

For more info, contact:


 2pm - 4pm

Games Afternoon on the third Monday of each month 

 Parish Office


 6.15pm - 8.30pm

Slimming World

Lyn Turner


 9.45am - 11.45am


 Sharon Lidbury


 4.45pm - 6pm




 6.15pm - 7.45pm




10am - 12noonCoffee, Cake & Chat
All welcome.  Bring a craft along if you like.
Parish Office


 7pm - 9pm




 1pm - 2.30pm

The Play Cafe for parents and carers of young children.   Includes a light lunch - suggested donation of £1.50 pp

 Parish Office


 7pm - 9pm

