Visiting any church for the first time can be daunting - even for a long term church goer. So here are some things you might want to know before you come to All Saints or St Barnabas.
First things first: where are we? We worship on alternate weeks at All Saints or St Barnabas. You can check where we are on the week you want to come HERE. This link will also tell you about parking and give you a map. Both churches have disabled parking and access, although at St Barnabas most of the parking is on the street and there are two flights of stairs to get to the church itself.
Our 10 am services are normally about 75 minutes long and are normally communion services. Our 8am services are abut 45 minutes long and follow the 1662 Book of Common Prayer.
All Saints and St Barnabas are members of Inclusive Church.
What can I expect when I first walk in?
You will probably be met by one of our welcomers who will tell you anything you need to know about the service or the church and where things are. If you need anything to make you more comfortable - for example, you would like us to bring communion to you, or you need gluten free wafers at communion or would like a large print service book - just let us know.
I'm going to be coming with my children - what about them?
We aim to have children's activities at all of our services. The young people often bring back into church something that they have made or would like the rest of the church to learn. All of our children's activities are run in line with our safeguarding Policies and procedures which you can read here. Recently our young people have led our Holy Week refections by making Stations of the Cross for us.
Will I have to juggle lots of books?
No - all the words to our services and all of the songs are displayed on screens - so you don't need to worry about having the wrong page or getting lost.
Where can I sit?
Anywhere you like. The choir often sit at the very front to lead us in our worship.
Talking of choirs - what's the music like?
We sing a variety of Christian music, from very traditional hymns to new worship music led by our band. It's a mix of all of these at our 10am service. We normally sing some parts of the service together but the tunes are easy to sing along with. Sometimes our choir or band sing a special piece of music to help us reflect on the readings or the season - that could range from Tudor music to special arrangements of pop songs.
Do I have to say everything, or can I just 'be' there?
Just do, say, sing what feels comfortable for you.
Will I be asked to do something the moment I walk into the church?
We'll never say never, but probably not! Although the first time the Vicar went to a church she was asked to bring the bread up at communion (and look what happened to her!)
Do I have to give money?
Absolutely not! The churches are supported by the gifts of those who attend and we are really grateful for anything you can give by card or cash. But there is absolutely no need to do so. You can also give via this secure link:
I've never received communion before - what should I do at that bit?
Please feel free to come up for a blessing - just tell whoever is leading the service that that is what you would like. Alternatively just stay where you are - and if someone invites you to come up, just say that you would rather not.
I usually go to a different church - can I receive communion here?
Anyone who normally receives communion in their own church is really welcome to do so.
What happens at the end of the service?
We normally finish with a piece of music to help us reflect on our worship together. People sometimes leave during that, listen, or chat. The people who led the service will be at the back of church to say goodbye and there is normally tea and coffee, biscuits and often cake and prosecco! If you decide to come through for refreshments, we promise not to leave you standing on your own - we know that refreshment time can feel very difficult.