What can my prayer be about?
Absolutely anything. Nothing is too big – or too small; nothing is silly, too unimportant for God. God knows us as we are and loves us as we are and longs to be part of our real lives, with all its messiness and with times of joy and celebration.  There are no rules about prayer - it can be spoken, sung, thought, and written and you definitely don’t need fancy words.
We can pray for all sorts of reasons: praising God, giving thanks for something great or small, or asking for help, healing or forgiveness for ourselves or others or even for the world itself. Even getting angry with God can be a prayer.

Who can use this page to request prayer?
Absolutely anyone! This Prayer Requests Page is here for you whether you have a faith or none, whether you pray regularly or not, and whether or not you have experienced the power of prayer in your life. It’s here for you whether you are in a difficult place or have a reason to be thankful or to celebrate.

How does it all work?
It’s really easy!

Just fill in the form below. Decide whether you want it to be made public on this web page or just shared with our small prayer team. You can also let us know if you want us to use your real name or a nickname when we pray, or keep it anonymous. God will know who you are and that’s what matters.

If you are making a request on behalf of someone else, please make sure that you have their permission to do so.

Prayers made public on this Page will be seen by anyone visiting the website and not just our Prayer Team.

Prayer requests with sensitive or inappropriate language will not be posted online. Nor will they be shared with any members of our prayer team. That includes (but isn’t limited to) anything deemed racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic, ableist or against members of any faith or none.

Prayers posted on this Page will remain for one month before being removed.

Confidentiality will be respected within the requirements of our Privacy and Safeguarding Policies. For details, please click here.

Name (real, assumed or just state 'anonymous' if you prefer): 

Email Address (we will only contact you if you ask us to, and this will not be shared):

Telephone Number (we will only contact you if you ask us to, and we will not share this number): 

Prayer Request: 

Please tick, as appropriate:
I would like my prayer posted on this Prayer Requests Page with my name 
I would like my prayer posted on this Prayer Requests Page anonymously  
I do not want my prayer posted on this Prayer Requests Page 
I would like to be contacted by a member of the Prayer Team, if required