- Provide regularly updated training for our congregations to recognise the potential signs of slavery.
- Provide regularly updated training for our congregations so that they know how to respond and report any suspected signs of slavery.
- Do all we can to use recruitment methods that minimise
the possibility of slavery.
- Ensure that our suppliers and contractors have
employment procedures that eliminate the risk of employing victims of
- Display posters in places that our congregations and visitors will see regularly such as toilet doors, notice boards.
| - Regularly promote messages about slavery and how we can work to eliminate this in our communities that we live in with our congregations.
| - Provide a modern slavery statement which will be published on our website and other promotional materials.
- Share intelligence and information to help detect
slavery, and ensure it cannot take root, with
any of:
- Our Safer Neighbourhood Team (SNMailbox.KenleySNT@met.police.uk)
- The Metropolitan Police (https://www.met.police.uk/)
- Gangmasters & Labour Abuse
Authority - 0800 432 0804
- Modern
Slavery Helpline 08000
121 700
- CrimeStoppers
0800 555111 (crimestoppers-uk.org)